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Jens G ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ): Memories

I remembered seeing Timo play at a bar on Wilson Ave. I think it was called Beverly something. Bought the SS album. Memories of my youth. I got introduced to Long John Baldry at the same venue. 

Wednesday, 10 April 2024
SS Admin

Hello, thanks for your interest in Symphonic Slam - Timo Laine all these years later. The club you are thinking of was the Beverly Hills Motor Hotel , The Hook and Ladder Club. Slam played there April 14, 15 & 16, 1977. We had two popular bands as our opening acts. Thursday & Friday was Brutus and Saturday night was John Lovsin & His Invisible Band. It is always nice to hear from someone who remembers the band from back then. Hope you enjoyed the album after seeing the band live. I always thought the band was much better live than on record (although the record is excellent), because it was impossible to record the power and dynamics of Symphonic Slam. Thanks for sharing your memory.

Wednesday, 10 April 2024
Dominic Giovinazzo ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ): the other albums

I have never seen or heard of any SS albums besides the first 2. Where can I find the others?

Wednesday, 20 March 2024
SS Admin ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ): Buying SS music

Hi Dominic, thanks for your interest in buying Symphonic Slam records. The first 2 albums were re-released by Musea Records in France on CD, but I don't think they are available anymore. The others were only released by Timo's label Monotrim Music. They use to be available by mail order but Timo has shut down Monotrim. The first 2 albums/CD's (I know you have the first one) are usually available used from EBay (.com or .ca) or Discogs (.com). Sometimes they are available by independent online record stores. It is pretty much impossible to find anything but the first 2 LP's or CD's. Sorry, I wish I could be more helpful. But you can always listen to all of them, including music that was never released, here on this website.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

This is a wonderful site. Obscure bands deserve this sort of treatment. I heard the first SS album when it came out and was very impressed. I never knew there were more albums. But I did catch Timo's contribution to John Mill-Cockell's album "Gateway". 😀

Monday, 14 February 2022
SS Admin

Hi Rob, so glad you liked the website. For all the people I've talked to about SS you are the first to mention Timo on JMC's album. That's pretty kool. The purpose of this website is to keep alive Timo's music and correct all the misinformation on the www about SLAM/Timo. Thanks so much for your kind compliments. I hope you enjoy listening to the other albums.

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Hi Ray, Thank you for the extraordinary 45th Massey Hall Anniversary presentation. You never cease to amaze me with the way you use media; the music tracks from the album sounded great! on my headphones to complement the documentation/press clippings and very beautiful photos of Massey Hall, not only to recreate the ambiance and grandeur of the event; but also to highlight the new Massey Hall book... nice touch. In addition, I really liked the way you used the actual performance photos from the event as well and just short of having a video to work with you did a great job of recreating a memory, and also creating a first-class representation of the event for the website. I'll bet the guys in the band are thrilled by your hard work and dedication ... great job Ray! I'm still a big fan after all these years.

Friday, 24 December 2021
SS Admin

Thanks Pete for the incredible compliments. They are especially appreciated knowing you were there for the concert at Massey. I'm thrilled you liked the video. I only wish we were able to have filmed all or even part of the concert. Too bad cell phones weren't invented 20 years earlier!

Saturday, 25 December 2021
SS Admin ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
Note from SS Admin:  During the rebuild of this website I have deleted the '45th Anniversary Presentation' Pete refers to. Funny, but the day I did this just happens to be the 46th Anniversary of the Massey Hall concert

Thursday, 22 December 2022
Tim Wortley

I've been a fan of Symphonic Slam since 1976 when I bought the album because of its trippy cover by Mati klarween. I loved the power and diversity of the music so much that I went to see them at the Massey Hall concert.They were incredible live so much power only wish the concert was longer.As much as i loved the album I was blown away seeing them live. I knew they released a 2nd album but I could never find it until it was released on cd in 2011. I'm so glad to have found this website I never knew they released so many more albums.I've been listening to them all week. Even though the musicians were always different I enjoyed listening to how Timo Laine evolved over the years.Its a shame A&M records never gave them a chance & only released the 1 album

Sunday, 30 May 2021
SS Admin

Thanks so much Tim for your comments. I'm glad you found the website and were able to discover more of Timo's music. Glad to see you've been a fan for so many years!

Monday, 31 May 2021
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